الخميس، 9 مايو 2013

Which iPad Case Is Best for You?

Which iPad Case Is Best for You?

Choosing the best iPad case for your shiny new iPad is not easy. While not everyone wants to cover up their iPad, we maintain that everyone should have at least one available for certain occasions. A well designed iPad case can enhance both the functionality and style of your iPad.
Now that the iPad has been out for several years, with its 3rd generation having been launched earlier this year, consumers are faced with a staggering number of choices in the way of iPad cases. In this article we will look at some of the more common options and ways to help you decide which type of case is best for you.
Online outlets and retailers offer a near limitless selection of iPad cases. The majority of these look remarkably similar and were more than likely put together in the same factory. They are typically on the lower end of the price scale costing as high as $20 and sometimes lower than $10! If you are looking for an iPad case that purely provides some additional level of protection to your iPad, these cases are for you. However, if you are willing to spend a little bit extra over the cost of other tablets to buy an iPad, chances are you want something a little bit nicer that doesn't hide up your nice shiny device.
If that's you, then cases then a notebook or folio case might be for you. These cases are leather bound, folio style iPad cases designed to make your iPad look like it is resting in a leather moleskin notebook. Some of these cases have been around since the release of the first generation ipad and have been extremely populat among iPad buyers. All of these cases share a similar design. Leather on the outside with a bookcloth inside. The iPad itself is nestled in a wooden frame made of either Queensland maple, birch or bamboo. While some of these case have won various competitions and design awards, there have been numerous complaints about the strength of the case and the grip that holds the iPad in. All cases use a somewhat similar style of grip to hold the iPad in its wooden case, with varying degrees of success. All of these cases can also be utilised as a stand for the iPad case.
The third type of case you might consider is one with additional functionality such as a keyboard or dedicated stand. These cases can cost upwards of $100, but are a must for many iPad owners. If you are always on the go or find yourself using your iPad for a large majority of your work, taking notes or watching media, you might consider one of these cases.
I hope that this has provided you with a brief overview of some of the options available to you in the iPad case arena. Happy shopping!
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iFrogz Apple iPad 3rd Gen Summit Case White
iFrogz Apple iPad 3rd Gen Summit Case White
iFrogz Apple iPad 3rd Gen Summit Case White


Read more about our iPad Case and how we designed ours at http://www.anchorcase.com.au/.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7240398

Comparison of the New 3rd Gen iPad Versus the iPad 2

Comparison of the New 3rd Gen iPad Versus the iPad 2

First up is the name. Apple is aiming to standardise the naming of the iPad more in line with their other products. The iPod Touch for example has never been referred to as the "iPod Touch 2". The name stays the same even as its upgraded.
With this in mind they are calling the third generation the "new iPad" in a clear attempt to get everyone on the same page. We can foresee some confusion as people go to buy the iPad in the future but hopefully the price drops on existing stocks of the iPad 2 will help people see clearly which model they are buying.
So truthfully, is the "New iPad" a large leap forward? We would say not. After all how far can technology really advance in just twelve calendar months? This is more of a refinement and a natural evolution than any sort of giant technology leap. For this reason you'll need to understand the subtle differences before you make your buying decision.
In terms of thickness, the difference is negligible. The iPad is slightly thinner. But you won't notice it. They are still both fantastically slim to be frank.
Let's look at the weight now. The new iPad is about a twentieth heavier. Which is next to nothing frankly. So another non-issue.
The biggest single improvement as far as we are concerned is the improved display. Going from 1024 pixels to 2048 pixels is a huge jump. That's actually FOUR times the pixel resolution display. Everything that actually uses the improvement will look a lot crisper and cleaner. It'll take a while for apps to catch up with the increased display however. And we do have some small concerns about all those iPhone apps scaling up and looking a little over-pixellated.
The processor goes from dual to quad core in its graphics chip. This is a nice upgrade. But with the iPad only really running one app at a time, it's not as if we ever found any of the previous iPads to be slow. Still, we are not complaining and if the chip had not improved we would have been asking why.
The RAM doubles to a Gig from a half Gig. Our feelings on this are that this is a solid improvement that should be of a constant help.
The battery life is the same. Which is pretty fantastic at a rock solid ten or so hours. The iPad just goes and goes!
Storage space options and wireless options are similar. The new model has a LTE option which you either care about or don't. We believe the Wi-Fi versions are the consistent bigger sellers.
The "New iPad" can shoot in 1080p video mode and it has a 5 megapixel camera which is a significant upgrade.
Our conclusion is simply that you should consider the main reasons you would use an iPad and let that guide you towards which model you purchase. For many, especially with the price reduction, the iPad 2 is more than enough while for high end users they will gravitate towards the latest model.
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iFrogz Apple iPad 3rd Gen Summit Case Blue
iFrogz Apple iPad 3rd Gen Summit Case Blue
iFrogz Apple iPad 3rd Gen Summit Case Blue

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6944865

الأربعاء، 8 مايو 2013

How The iPad Can Be Used As A Valuable Business Tool

How The iPad Can Be Used As A Valuable Business Tool

Anyone that owns an iPad, knows that iPads are chock full of cool features that one can benefit from. You can arrange your applications and bookmarks as you wish, and view your existing media such as your photos, videos, and music. With an iPad, you can also surf the web more easily and upgrade your favorite applications.
Got a skype account? That is even better, for you can use your iPad to skype and remain connected with your friends and loved ones. However, while it is cool to use your iPad for all of these things, the iPad can be used for much more. In short, the iPad is more than just an overpriced iPhone, it can be used as a valuable business tool, as iPads have wonderful business apps to help you be more productive and perform routine business tasks with greater efficiency.
Here are a few ways that iPads can be used as a valuable business tool.
1. Edit Office Documents. The nice thing about having an iPad, is that you can continue to work on a project, even if you are away from your desk or workstation. iPads have applications that make it a cinch to edit and create word documents, Excel spreadsheets, and PowerPoint presentations no matter where you are.
2. Conduct Virtual Presentations and/or Submit Proposals. Away from your office and need to conduct a presentation or submit a proposal to your staff or a potential client? iPads are great for conducting presentations and submitting proposals. In the event that you do not have a good internet connection, you can take multiple screenshots, beforehand, then you can quickly shift through them offline. By pressing the Home and Power Buttons simultaneously and your pictures are automatically saved to the photo gallery.
3. Eliminate Taking Notes. Gone are the days of taking handwritten notes during business meetings. Note applications such as EverNote and Notetaker, allows you to type all of your meeting notes on your iPad, then send them via email to all of your colleagues. Dragon Dictation allows you to dictate a memo then convert it to text verbally, without the use of a secretary.
4. Capture Your Ideas On The Go. If you happen to be traveling on business or otherwise away from your office, and happen to brainstorm a great example, the iPad is perfect for such a scenario. You can use Dragon Dictation, to leave yourself a voice memo. From there, you can sketch a preliminary design utilizing Whiteboard 2.0, which is similar to using a real whiteboard, minus the markers and dry erasers. This is done by simply using your finger and the iPad's touch screen.
In final, as you can see there are many ways, in which the iPad can serve as a great business tool, to enable you to perform your routine business tasks with greater efficiency and heighten your productivity. For additional ways, in which the iPad can be used as a valuable business tool, be sure to check out Apple's business application section in the Application store called @Work. For your convenience, it is organized by business function.
If you have currently, have an iPad and are having difficulty learning how to use all of its many features and applications, there are iPad Video Lessons that are available.
Need to know more information about iPad Video Lessons? Visit http://www.teachmepete.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7394626

The Benefits of iPad Video Lessons

The Benefits of iPad Video Lessons

The Apple iPad is a truly futuristic device and a piece of pure innovative technology. It has so many utilities that if you actually start counting the things you can do with your iPad, the list will actually get very long.
"How do I use my iPad?" is perhaps the most frequently asked question, since not everyone has the skill to discover all the functions and utilities of a gadget independently. There is no denying the fact that Apple has diehard fans and geeks that know the iPhones, iPods and iPads inside out. In addition, most of them love to share their knowledge and discoveries with everyone.
If you have recently invested in buying an iPad and are not very good at operating gadgets, you should definitely invest a little in learning about the iPad. You can easily get iPad classes on the internet and with the aid of iPad instruction books you can learn all about your iPad.
The iPad is such a multi-purpose device that you can store thousands of your favorite songs and organize them in such a way that you can play your favorite song with a flick of your finger or you can watch movies and TV. You can stay updated about the latest market trends and weather updates. You can have your own personal library in your iPad as well.
For a more utilitarian approach, your iPad is your organizer. You can plan your whole day, even week ahead of you. You can make your lists and set your reminders on your iPad. Your iPad can become your personal trainer or help you redecorate your house. You can get tips regarding any given topic whenever you want.
On a more serious note, your iPad is your office on the go. You can check your email, video conference, make presentations and absolutely anything that you can do on your computer and all this is possible on your iPad. To keep in touch with friends and family the social media apps will keep you connected with your family 24/7.
But do you think that you can actually do all of this on your own? There are chances that your iPad is still underutilized because you are not aware of everything you can do with it. iPad video tutorials can easily teach you how to setup your mail, organize your favorite books and music, watch your favorite Podcasts and video, organize your photos etc. with ease.
Jeffery is a certified geek and gadget fanatic who loves using the iPad to make life simpler.
CLICK HERE to get the most out of your iPad through easy to follow video tutorials.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7146113

iPad Video Lessons Review - Is It Worth Your Time And Money?

iPad Video Lessons Review - Is It Worth Your Time And Money?

Before I review this product I wanted to do a little bit of research about iPad sales and numbers. I wanted to know, is the iPad as popular as I think it is, which age group it appeals to the most and what is it mostly used for.
Apple the creator of the iPad releases quarterly sales figures to the public. Its latest sales figures show iPad sales at 84 Million worldwide for the September Quarter 2012. While these figures are cumulative they still leave no doubt about the global popularity and desirability of owning the Apple iPad
According to YUDU Media, their research into "Apple iPad - Trends and Statistics", indicate that the iPad is most popular with the age group between 30 - 54 and the highest concentration being the 35 - 44 age group, with an almost equal share between male and female users. Yahoo however reports that on their network males out number females almost 2:1
They also found that the top reasons for buying an iPad were:
  • 56% - Entertainment
  • 42% - Cool Factor
  • 40% - Convenience
The report found an increase in people spending more time reading magazines and e-Books on their iPad. Amazon reports that the sale of e-books have now over taken the sale of traditional hard cover books thanks in part to the popularity of the iPad. The report also indicates that in a 3 year period between 2007- 2010 the sale of music has increased by 80% due to more people choosing to purchase and download music from the internet via their iPad and other mobile devices rather from music stores.
Another growth market has been gaming. Gaming is the number 1(one) Application activity on iPad, according to YUDU market research findings. It also reports the iPad is being used for e-commerce and internet browsing on the same level as PC's and laptops.
There is no doubt that the iPad is a global phenomenon. It has brought us ease and accessibility to browsing, gaming, reading and e-commerce. So isn't it important to get the most and the best out of a device that has revolutionized our lives?
What Is the iPad Video Lesson Program?
For someone like me the iPad video lesson program is a God send. I bought my iPad thinking there is an instruction manual with it but was disappointed to learn it doesn't come with one. This program is what everyone should get with an Apple iPad. The iPad Video Lesson program consists of easy to follow, clearly explained video lessons that teach you how to get the most out of your iPad.
The program consists of over 100 professional quality short videos which are broken up into 12 separate learning modules. It covers the basics and advanced features of your iPad and may even surprise you with one or two bits of information that most others wouldn't have heard about before. It's convenient, quick to learn as each lesson is only 11 minutes long and even comes with a money back guarantee if you're not happy with it.
The Benefits:
  • Watch at your own convenience, learn at your own pace
  • Watch these lessons on your desktop computer or on your iPad
  • Rewind and replay as often as you like
  • Lifetime membership so you will be up to date with any upgrade or change in iPad software.
  • The lessons are clearly defined, easy to understand and only 11 mins long
  • Money Back guarantee
The Final:
The iPad Video Lesson Program is great for anyone who wants to get the fullest experience out of their beloved iPad. We aren't all tech savvy but with this program we can all use modern technology to its full benefit.
Click Here To Read More Reviews

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7446971